12:33 p.m. | Monday, Jan. 13, 2003

a short explaination

Well I kept talking about it but I never had figured out how to do it. Yesterday I figured it out. I�m speaking of the make a donation button at the bottom of my diary page. I agonized over putting it up. Two friends of mine said I was a worthy cause and I almost believed them. Yesterday my mom said they couldn't afford to buy me a light therapy lamp so that rather decided it. That and Damodred said that people would donate money because I was so cute. I told him that was no reason and I wasn't that cute anyway. So now we have to see who is right. I won't be mentioning this again unless I suddenly become rich from people donating money to me. It�s up to you if you want to, no pressure and all that. Also the donations are in Canadian dollars so if you donate $10 that's like $6 US. Just in case you were wondering.

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Female/26-30. Lives in Canada/Saskatchewan/Saskatoon/, speaks English and  . Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Reading.
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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.