1:51 p.m. | August 27, 2001


i got to talk to my friend james last night!! yay! similar conversation to what we usually have. strange and lots of silence. i told him i missed him, he said thank you. course, if i'm not around for a long time he starts sending me messages like, "where the hell are you" also.

my mom went outside to visit with a friend. apparently she doesn't want to answer the phone, so if it rings over the next hour i'm to take a message. i'm a secretary today or at least for the next hour.

i've decided to keep reading the book, even though it's a bit about ghosts and clairvoyance and things. not too into that really. well ok, it depends on the book i suppose. i don't know. stop hassling me. *ahem*

selling avon so i can have money for computer stuff. i wonder if that makes me weird.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.