2:05 p.m. | August 30, 2001


I got two kittens yesterday. I am so happy. They are baby boys about 7 weeks old. I named them Darwin and Salinger. They are the cutest little things. Right now they are sleeping. Poor babies played themselves into tiredness.

My mom surprised me with them. She had said no pets when i moved back in. I literally begged for a pet, i couldn't help myself really. I think i need animals around me. Yesterday she came in the house with her hands behind her back and said pick a hand. She produced the kittens, and they took a picture of my expression. I'm sure i look like a total goof, but i don't care. They had to decided to get them 2 months ago, but didn't want to get them til after our holiday. So i have been needlessly hinting and subtly begging for 2 months. Oh well, i'm happy. I overheard mom saying she got them because she knew i needed them. sometimes that woman surprises me by what she catches on to. she's as mad as a hatter sometimes, but i love her. thanks mom.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.