6:26 p.m. | Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002

Day One of Parkridge

Day One: Sept. 17th

I was up at quarter to nine this morning. I don't remember when I was that that early on purpose before. Needless to say it took me quite some time to actually become awake. I made it to the doctor's appointment, but not without a few snags of course. My mom hadn't informed my sister that she was the one who would be escorting me to my appointment. This was sorted out easily over the phone thank god. Yesterday I started my period, which was another snag since I was supposed to have my female parts examined. The cab was 20 minutes late to pick me up. I got in trouble for this with the receptionist when I arrived at the doctor's office. They don't like it when you are late. Luckily I didn't have to wait too long and the doctor did a "waist up" sort of exam, plus all of my questions were answered.

After the appointment I brought chocolate bars, went home and packed. So here I am at Parkridge. My mom picked up my refill prescriptions for me including a cream for my lip problem. The doctor thinks it's a fungus. I find that a little disturbing. In any case, I'm all moved in with my TV, VCR, DVD player, movies, books, and tarot cards for entertainment. I think I have enough junk food for a month.

Morrison came over this evening with movies and a chocolate bar. I thought it was so sweet of him to remember that I have been craving junk food all week. He might even come over tomorrow night again, woohoo. It is very nice to have him so close. We watched mostly very bad television tonight. Just like old times, haha.

Speaking of which, I have a room just 2 doors down from the one I had before. This room is specifically used for respite and palliative care (someone who is dying). I wonder how many people have died in this room. That isn't something I�m going to want to think about late at night. Instead of peach walls (like the room I had before) this room has a kind of faded mint green. The room is also very tiny. I do have cable TV, which is very nice, but no telephone. Cable costs 29 cents a day, but to hook up the telephone it costs $77!! So I�m using a cell phone. I asked about when my shower is going to be and they said Sunday. I just love the one shower a week thing. One of the home health aids has volunteered to come over and help me out this week. I am really hoping that the Depo Provera shot the doctor gave me today stops the rogue bleeding. Having very few showers a week during "that time of the month" is very gross.

My sister's boyfriend is bringing me the stuff I forgot at home either today or tomorrow. Even though I made a list of everything I needed to bring I forgot a few things. Nothing really essential though.

It was strange arriving here and recognizing people. I think I�ve just fallen back into the old routine. The room is different - I have my own bathroom this time, the walls are a different color - but the people are pretty much the same, the furniture is the same and the smell is the same. I just have to remind myself that it's only for a week. With all the movies and junk food maybe it'll be like a little holiday. Maybe. The food here is still terrible.

Book: Jackdaws Ken Follet

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.