3:33 p.m. | Monday, Apr. 14, 2003

the news sucks

I don't think the news could possibly get more depressing. It seems the war with Iraq is won but the war with Syria might be on the horizon. I�m starting to think that the United States might be making some sort of rounds from country to country.

This article depressed me the most. It talks about how oil companies want to make permanent roads in Alaska to further their exploration for the product they crave. It's been known for a long time that any sort of development (especially roads) is incredibly destructive to the fragile environment called tundra. Even just driving over a field once can cause permanent damage. Apparently they had been using "ice roads" since the 1970s, which melt in the summer and are far less harmful. They used to be able to use them for 200 days of the year in fact, but now they are only useful for about half that time because of warmer temperatures. If that's not the biggest and most depressing irony I�ve heard in awhile then I don't know what it would be. Oil companies destroying the environment because they've already destroyed the environment. At then end of the article they mentioned that the roads might cause Ma and Pa Kettle to start exploring with their new RVs, which is of course what a fragile environment needs as well, more people. Excuse me while I wander off to swear at the stupidity of humanity.

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