3:01 p.m. | Sunday, May. 18, 2003

entry entry

I just watched a very bizarre movie and I can't quite tell if I liked it or not. However it's the first romantic comedy that hasn't made me want to cry in awhile (and not that "awww it's so sweet" crying but that "fuck them how come things work out for them huh" crying). Anyway the movie was The Sweetest Thing and you might want to watch it just for the penis song. The very weird and slightly out of place penis song.

Yesterday I saw X-Men 2 and Matrix Reloaded. Both really good movies, but yes I did like the Matrix better. X2 was definitely better than the first one though. People acted and things. Yep so I had a really good day yesterday.

By the way if you've emailed me and I'm supposed to email you back and it's been like a month and I haven't... I'm really really sorry.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.