2:38 p.m. | October 05, 2001

crap memory

i think i'm tired of talking about myself. it's the same old crap every time anyway. i should probably figure out what i want to do with my life. i live in a place where time has little meaning and i have no direction.

last night i had an idea for a list, same list that i had an idea for the other night and forgot. i think i should start writing these things down.

people are strange. if you breakdown they get concerned about you. then when you are back to your "normal" self and sounding better they cease to be concerned. don't they realize that the breakdown is just what is always there leaking out? of course, i tend to hide the way i'm feeling from people. possibly for this very reason. if you sound better you must be and then you should resume a life like everyone else. ha, jokes on them.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.