4:46 p.m. | November 16, 2001

my life and a list of things

well i suppose i should make some sort of update now on my situation. i hate some things about this place and like other things. ooo, i'll make a list.

things i like:

-the people who work here are for the most part cool

-i like having a sink in my room, call me crazy

-i like being able to access all my stuff fairly easily.

-i have a good view out my window

-physio is cool

things i really hate:

-a couple of the stupid people that work here

-not having my kittens

-bathing once a week, you heard me

-the food can be mildly terrible

-the wall and floor colors in my room are absolutely terrible

-some of the noises during the day, like when this girl starts screeching for hours at a time

i suppose that's about it. it's all i can think of. i haven't gotten my respirator back yet, i'm still using the horrible huge thing. i was going to go to a play tonight, but i can't because of that. grrrr. i really wanted to see the play. plus, getting out would be cool. course i would have had to convince my mom to help me have a shower (hard to go out when the last shower you had was on monday)... also i can't reach my entire room with this thing on my wheelchair so i can't reach the sink. i'm not happy about this. i should get the respirator by tomorrow. then things will be back to mostly better. gah! my life is just stupid sometimes.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.