1:27 p.m. | November 30, 2001

yes well the bath thing is a big issue for me

I saw a shrink today. a friend of mine made me promise to see someone so i did. i don't know if this is the one i'll be seeing but whatever. she says i probably need to increase my medication or maybe change it to something else. THAT outta be great fun. yay for antidepressant side-effects. i'll let you know when this is happening so you know why i've gone loony.

in other news, what i'll miss most about home are these things. my kittens and the walls in my room (i'll miss the kittens the most). seems shallow? well, i'll miss people not walking in my room for no good reason without knocking too. parkridge is not a terrible place, but it's not a good place. also, i will miss being clean alot more often. *mutters about baths*

if she wants to keep me here i am going to demand things. like hiring someone to bath me twice a week. not showering often enough is humiliating, depressing and just unsanitary. do they think that people with disabilities aren't people or what the fuck? ok i'm done ranting. for now.

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