3:15 p.m. | April 09, 2002

my sock is on sideways again

apparently diaryland chat just gets more and more ridiculous. there always seems to be a couple people who don't want anyone to chat and just babble on about crap. it's very annoying when you are trying to have a good snuggle with giallo. i think the emotes people make should be included in the ignore function.

anyway, today i'm really worn out, yesterday took a lot out of me. i think i would have been alright if i hadn't had to wait an hour for the cab. i can always tell when being tired turns into "i may need to sleep a week to get over this". it sucks that i get tired so easily. (part of my muscle disease thinger).

who the hell is this kadin person? he keeps taking my spot on people's guestmaps! which probably means he lives really close to me... which is odd because hardly anyone ever lives close to me from online. there are people in this province that are online, don't get me wrong, but you have to seek them out by location to actually find them.

i have still been avoiding writing down the themes that show up in my dreams. (hey that rhymed) i'm not sure why this is. it's probably another one of those things i won't admit to myself. i should start because every night ones show up that i hadn't thought about the day before. i just don't want to do it for some reason; i completely shy away from it. of course, i shy away from a lot of things that might make me think or seem like work. my mind doesn't want to handle it. speaking of which, i'm wondering if i should give this url to my shrink. i read in someone's diary once that they did that and i thought it was a good idea at the time. it might be an expedient way for her to find out some things about me. comments or opinions are always welcome.

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