8:25 p.m. | April 08, 2002

appointment and movies

i was going to update when i got home but i totally forgot. i didn't get back until 4:30, i had to wait for my ride back for almost an hour. in any case, the appointment went alright. i like the therapist so far, she seems to be experienced and good to talk to. i was there for about 2 hours talking about things. she says that things seem complicated in my life. i think that's a bit of an understatement. so she wants to see me again next monday, and so i might be getting therapy once a week. that'll cut into my physio time but i think people will just have to accept that. my mental health is important as well. i can't very well exercise if i've gone crazy.

so i've started the therapy i keep saying that i need. i'm a bit nervous about it now though. this means that i have to look at everything that's wrong and talk about feelings. that makes me a bit anxious, but i suppose we aren't going to be diving into incredibly serious things right away.

it's strange when you are watching an old movie and all of a sudden you realize you've seen it before as a modern remake. i'm watching a movie called stella dallas about a women who tries to give her daughter a "better" life but realizes she'd be better off living with her father because he can really give her the life that her mother wants her to have. it's kind of sad because the mother pretends to have left the country and never really has contact with her again. apparently the first time this movie was made was in 1937. i'm not sure what the modern version is called and it is just a bit different, but the basic story is the same. the 1937 version was nominated for more than one academy award though. old movies are really cool sometimes. they have a totally different acting style than ones that are released now. the women have a different body style and i love some of the older style of clothes they had in the 30s, 40s and 50s. plus, the roles of women and men are so different. the way women are treated as fragile innocent creatures and men have to take care of them... it's fun to see how women strive to be independent and throw off this role. i can't really think of anyone now who has the grace, elegance and style that the actresses had then. i'm not saying i don't like modern movies, i love them, but sometimes old movies seem to have some sort of charm about them that i like to see.

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