11:43 a.m. | April 22, 2002

happy earth day

I hate Monday and Monday mornings suck goat testicles. I�d just like to go back to bed and sleep until I get to go home. (That�s 7 days from now for those of us who are counting. I�d figure out minutes and seconds but I�m far too tired.) I don't want to go to physio and I don't want to talk to anyone. I want to curl up in bed and forget I live here.

My sink no longer just drips, it runs steadily. I suppose that is less annoying in some ways. Course if you make an effort to really turn it off then sometimes it stops. *Goes to lean on the taps at the sink*

Well my weekend went pretty good. Saturday was naked day and I spent the entire day with Morrison (formerly known as T, but I hated calling him that so it's Morrison now). It was cool, he woke me up and he put me to bed. We watched Mulholland Dr. (which does in fact have a lesbian and a masturbation scene). I really like David lynch even though his movies tend to confuse me. Lost Highway was more a movie that you let flow over you. Mulholland Dr. you had to work out in your mind a bit more. Luckily Morrison doesn't mind explaining things to me a bit so I got everything figured out. He also bought me food; we had hamburgers from Wendy�s. It was a really good day. Not many people will spend that amount of time with me; much less treat me to a movie and dinner. Plus I like not wearing clothes. If it were up to me I�d live in a tropical climate and walk around in my underpants and a tank top all the time. Or my silk robe.

Sunday was all right. I just sat around and relaxed most of the time. I got together my Avon order and all that. My mom came over around suppertime and she got together a lot of stuff to take home. I usually hate moving and packing but in this case it feels good. I can't wait to get out of here and there is only one week left! She is coming back Tuesday to get more stuff. Which I suppose is tomorrow. Arg! I hate the smell of the cleaners they use here. It�s like they are trying to dehydrate your lungs for you, not to mention that they smell like really really strong Comet. Do they still sell that crap? I hated that stuff. Can�t things be clean without shriveling the lining in your nose?

Hmmm so anyway, that was my weekend. I pretty much skipped Friday because I can't remember it that clearly and all I think I did that was exciting was have a shower.

Haha, so guess when my dentist appointment was? Well right now in fact. This woman came in and asked me if they could change it for some reason or other. I said, well um, sure, but I didn't know I had one. So she comes back and the earliest she could get one was May 6th. Obviously I will be gone by then so there goes that. So not only did they not tell me I HAD an appointment, they have now cancelled it. Now I have to find another damn dentist.

Today�s burst of wisdom: if you read all but 65 pages of a vampire novel before going to sleep, you will in fact, dream about vampires.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.