6:38 p.m. | May 10, 2002

I'm tired today, i write better when i'm tired?

One reason I won't get reviewed, they bloody well want you to update everyday. I�ll update when I feel like it dammit.

I don't know if I feel like it right now. However, I�m going to anyway. Just try to stop me.

I finished the book "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan. It was a great book with lots of insight that I find can be applied to more than just women. I highly recommend it. I also learned how to spell mystique by reading it.

The underlying principle that I got from the book was that in order to be a happy healthy human being you have to find your identity, your life plan, career, who you are sort of deal. You have to be able to have something in your life that uses your potential and abilities to the fullest. When that doesn't happen all sorts of mental and physical problems occur. In the book it was applied to the problem of women convinced that being a housewife and mother should fulfill them completely, which for most, it doesn't. I was thinking though that this could be applied to different people and situations, men and women. For example the changing workforce and economy makes it hard for people to find their identity in work. The apathy you see in those who don't have a job or can't get one can probably be explained that way. Also people with disabilities, especially those that affected them from a young age. You can see it in the childlike way they let people take care of them, the depression and apathy towards anything that you get in institutions. So, apparently, the key to being happy and fulfilled is feeling useful and using your abilities to the fullest extent you can. The hard part of course, is finding a way to do that.

We are getting company this weekend and I don't know them. I hate strange people in my house. Actually I�m not fond of anyone in the house that I�m not used to really. If I don't have to see them though, it's less of a thing. Next week the people who offered to buy me a place to live at some point are coming to stay for a night or so. I�m a bit nervous about meeting them in person now, instead of over the phone first. It might work out better that way though. My sister and my mom insist I�ll like them, I mostly believe it. Hopefully I�ll think of something to say by Wednesday.

This weekend Morrison is coming over, as usual for the weekend. I�m going to try to stuff us both in my little single bed as the double bed (which is also mine, but in my sister's old room) is going to be used by company. I�m not sure how well that will go, but I�ve done it before with other guys. Hehe

Book: The Lunatic Cafe by Laurell K. Hamilton

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