12:31 p.m. | Thursday, Jun. 06, 2002

i'm of the opinion that shocks in the morning are bad for you

Yesterday I didn't have much to say. Today I do. First of all, I�m addicted to surveys. One survey and I�m all hooked. It�s like heroin I tell you. I found out today that my cats don't like toothpaste at all. Salinger looks at the tube and smacks it with his paw like it's evil. Darwin runs away from it.

Today I find out that I�m going to Sherbrooke (no idea if that's how you spell it, why do they name these places after nature and parks?). Sherbrooke is the institution where I�m going for the day program. It was supposed to be three months from when I got home but apparently I�m starting early. They also said the waiting list was very long. Liar liar pants on fire. I�m going for half days twice a week, Mondays and Fridays. This is making me very nervous. I�m going to be the youngest person there by a long shot for one. For another, I�m supposed to interact with people and shit like that. If they aren't interesting and smart I�m not talking to them and that's final. I�ve started making a list in my head of what I want to bring there, so far books and discman are high on the list. Things are moving too fast, I�ve hardly settled in. In six more days there is going to be a Chinese student living in our house. *runs down the street screaming* I�m so borrowing my sister's small knife. All mine are too big to carry around.

I was going to talk about the book I just finished last night and the book I just started after that but now I�m too disconcerted to get my thoughts together about them. Maybe tomorrow or later today. A bus is picking me up at quarter to one on Monday afternoon to take me to yet another institution. Just for the afternoon though, I might like it. Think positive thoughts.

Book: Sacred and Profane Faye Kellerman

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Female/26-30. Lives in Canada/Saskatchewan/Saskatoon/, speaks English and  . Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Reading.
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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.