1:34 p.m. | Wednesday, Jun. 05, 2002

i didn't have much to say really

I got an entry in my guestbook today, which I have since deleted, that turned out to be an old entry from someone else's rant/dairy/news sort of thing. I�d never been to it before and I�d never heard of it before. I found it very weird.

I skipped my shrink appointment today. I�ve been really tired lately and I thought that in going out I might end up overdoing it. Then I�d have to sleep for a week to recover and I don't want to do that.

I have started watching the first season of the sopranos on DVD. I didn't know if I�d like it and I�d never watched any of it on TV at all. So far (I watched 2 episodes) I really like it. The psychologist cracks me up and it's an interesting show. Now I just need the hat. (Inside joke, friend of mine who lent me the DVDs has a soprano hat and I insist that I need to wear it in order to watch the episodes properly.)

Currently quietthought is trying to figure out what my dream meant. A lot of it seems like horoscope stuff, it could apply to anyone. *shrug* Oh well, that was one dream out of hundreds that I haven't talked about. I remember at least 5 a night and they are all bizarre.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.