4:39 p.m. | Thursday, Jun. 27, 2002

i'm hungry

The kitty mom has the sneezes. She looks good, no runny nose or anything but she sneezes a lot. I am hoping it's not an infection. I don't know if the SPCA treats cats for that or just puts them down. Plus if the poor babies get it then... *sniffle*

It�s hotter today even than yesterday. I love hot weather. Luckily we have air conditioning because if I go to sleep in hot weather it's a bitch to wake me up. If you don't wake me up, chances are I won't do it by myself either. Being outside during the day in very little clothing is one of my favorite things to do though.

I�ve finished both comics that Morrison lent me, plus all my library books for this month. I don't get more until Tuesday. I�ve become a reading fiend. I will have to start on the books that I own that I haven't read yet. *gasp* I could read the comics that my sister's boyfriend lent me, but I keep not being in the mood for them. I have to pick one soon though, I�m going outside and I have to have something to read. I�d be frantic if I was actually out of reading material I think.

I�ve finally gotten ripetomato on my msn. We have great conversations. I�m glad because I�ve liked her diary for a long time and it's good that talking to her is as fun as reading her. Apparently moonshine76 and quietthought have webcams! It�s a conspiracy now.

Book: I don't know yet

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.