4:33 p.m. | Wednesday, Jul. 17, 2002

two entries in one

I learned a little lesson last night, well this morning I learned it. Do not mix Lorazepam and Temazepam even though they sound similar. I couldn't sleep so I took 2 sleeping pills and I still wasn't sleeping so I thought hey I'll take an Ativan and that'll help. I did go to sleep but I woke up this morning very tired. Also the room was spinning and it doesn't usually do that. I feel stoned or something. I am stoned or something more than likely. No sudden head movements or dizziness ensues. I'm heading to my shrink in about an hour; I really hope this wears off by then. Going to a psychiatrist stoned doesn't sound like the best idea I've ever had. Noooo mixing drugs. Bad.

I didn't get my hair dyed last night, it's going to be tonight instead. The woman who was going to do it had her father drop in unexpectedly from out of town so she asked if she could switch the time. I said sure no problem, so there you go. Tomorrow morning I'm getting my legs waxed. *gasp* I know, morning. I don't do mornings in a pleasant and awake manner. She's coming at 11 so I figure that will be enough time for the home health aid to get me partially ready and dressed. I'll put on the rest of the clothes and actually get out of bed after the waxing. I can't wait to get my legs smooth. Mom kept saying that she would do it but I'm not in any way going to count on that. It takes her forever to get around to doing it and I want this done before Saturday rolls around. Plus I'd like a person who is experienced at this to do it just once this summer. Besides that she does it way faster. It's totally worth $28 to get a proper leg wax at the time I want it. Plus, my mom has a bad back, bending over to wax my legs is not a good idea. I had to try to convince her of this and just make an appointment over feeble objections. trinity63 says I should get a Brazilian wax and I'd like to try it. I'm not sure if my wax lady has ever done that before though and I'd like someone who knows what they are doing to do that for me. Also, I'm not even sure if she'd be willing to do it, some people are prudes and I have a feeling she might be. I wonder if I can find someone else who does that and is willing to come into my home. Though right now I am pretty sure I can't afford it. Between Norton anti-virus, weddings, birthdays, and hair dyeing I'm sure I'm going to be broke until October.

Speaking of money, last night I dreamt that I started getting money in the mail for my web cam fund but it was just like coins. Twenty-cents here, fifty cents there... and I got some weird voucher for five dollars that I didn't know how to cash. Strange stuff. I mean if you want to send me fifty cents I won't say no, but it will take a long time to add up.

The internet stopped working about 5 mins ago for some unknown and mysterious reason. I got to check my email but then my browser links wouldn't work. I restarted and got nothing. I think mom said she was having the same problem and phoned them, but it was hard to tell as she was yelling this on her way out the door. She does that a lot, talks to you while she walking away from you. So you yell "what?!" and hardly ever get an answer. It's like it doesn't really matter if you hear or not she's just saying stuff. In any case, my point was I'm not sure when I'll get to post this. I'm writing it at about quarter after 12 in the afternoon right now... I'm not sure when my adoring public (hehehe) will get to see it.

Book: Even Cowgirls Get the Blues Tom Robbins

But wait, there's more. Since I made that first part of the entry my computer took a leave of absence from any sort of working order. At first the internet wouldn't work and then I kept getting a blue screen no matter what I tried to do. I had installed norton-antivirus yesterday but everything was working fine. I thought well, since that's the only thing I�ve changed maybe that's it. So I tried to uninstall it. That went very badly, it would get about half way through and stop working, then I would try to do it over again, same thing or a blue screen. I restarted about 4 times trying to get it to work and it FINALLY did. The computer wouldn't even shutdown properly so I let it do scan disk finally to see if that would help when I started it up again. Apparently that's all it wanted because after that it uninstalled Norton fine and the internet started working again. I have no idea what's wrong with this thing, nor do I have the money to figure it out, much less buy a new computer. Arg!! This is so not what I need. *bangs head against desk*

In other news my legs are now waxed. Something apparently came up so she wouldn't be able to do it tomorrow and asked if she could come over right away and do it. So I�m all smooth again, yay. I asked her about the Brazilian waxing thing and she said she wouldn't do it (even though asked by others) because she's not sure how the skin would react to the waxing and didn't want to do any damage beyond the pain it would cause. I�m not sure I�d even want to go through that kind of pain. In any case I want to find a salon that does it just so I can find out if they do anything different and what the effects are. Haha, I can't afford it right now anyway. If my computer blows up and won�t work ever again I think I�ll go begging in the streets for money.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.