12:28 p.m. | Wednesday, Aug. 07, 2002

title of a diary entry

I didn't end up going to the wedding. I felt like total crap. I had a headache and just wanted to sleep. When I finally did get to bed I was so overtired I couldn't sleep. I haven't been able to fall asleep before 1am since Sunday night. It�s getting tiresome. I�m feeling pretty good today though for the first day since the weekend. I don't know why clouds seem to affect me so much at this time of year. It�s so strange, I have been feeling tired and depressed and restless. I can even feel how the light has changed, the angle of the sun, even the color of the sunlight seems different. A friend of mine thinks I have seasonal affective disorder and I�m inclined to think so myself. How can just clouds and the angle of the light put me in such a funk?

This chick that has a diary, gbg has been having this whirlwind romance thing going on. It�s so cute. She said she did something to her boyfriend that turned him on ALOT but wouldn't say what it was. So I wrote that I had to know. She said if I could catch her on a messenger program she would tell me. So I caught her last night and true to her promise she told me. *grin* I�ve been sworn to secrecy, however, this might be an interesting thing to try on Morrison. I also had a great conversation with her, I really like her and I hope we get to talk again soon. I love making new friends.

Last night I started looking on ebay for things I wanted. Man that place is addicting, I put in a bid on 3 books, 2 DVDs and a tarot deck. I have about 5 DVDs on watch. I love ebay when I have money, but when I don't I have to stay away from it like the plague. It�s an evil place and I obsess about anything I�ve bid on and sometimes get competitive with people I�m bidding against. They can't have my stuff!! Until I realize that you know, I really don't want to pay this much for this thing... and always remember to add the cost of shipping. *hugs ebay and kicks it at the same time*

Yesterday was book day. I love book day. For those of you who don't know what book day is... it's one day a month when the library brings me a couple bags of books. It�s a program for people who can't get to the library themselves, so they bring the books to you. It�s like Christmas every month. It�s nice also because I can email the woman who runs it and tell her what books I want to read and she usually finds them for me. She has also introduced me to some really neat authors that I had never heard of before. It�s a great system and I always look forward to getting more books to read.

I hate when I can't figure out if what I�m hearing is actually playing on the stereo or TV, I�m hearing things again, or it's a noise from outside.

Today my hair thinks it's curly. I don't have curly hair, what the hell?

Book: Small Gods Terry Pratchett

We're not lost. We're locationally challenged.
-- John M. Ford

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.