2:10 p.m. | Sunday, Sept. 08, 2002

the sun has come out so i'm happier

My sister and her boyfriend are over but have abandoned me for the phone and my parents� computer respectively. They brought their dog Hera over. She is so funny, she wants to play with the cats, but the cats want to hiss and smack her. She thinks this is playing. Darwin is currently on the stairs hissing and smacking and she is doing the doggie play lunges. It is hilarious. Salinger likes to get up on his back legs and get really into the smacking thing. He�s outside right now however. My mom can't stop letting him out even though he takes forever to come back.

Today is Avon day, which means an Avon order was delivered. (Yes I sell Avon.) It�s pretty cool; I got a free light up snowman for selling enough product. Plus I made a pretty good amount of money. I didn't order anything for myself this time and sent back something I ordered last time. This money goes towards the purchase of some sandman comics that my parents lent me the money for. I hope they get here soon.

Book: The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.