5:43 p.m. | Monday, Sept. 09, 2002

madness can be contagious

Well my cat finally made it home. One of the neighbors stopped by for something totally unrelated and mom told her about Salinger being on the lam. Half an hour later she shows up with him; he had been in her flowerbeds. He is very dirty but otherwise completely fine. The little bugger waltzes in like nothing happened. Dratted cat made me worry so much too!

I have a question for women out there, does it bother anyone else that they put feminine hygiene products in the brightest possible colored wrapper? I find it really odd and stupid. This is a thing I�d rather not have people noticing and it's in a hot pink package. Geesh. Course I don't get my period anymore, but this is just something that has been on my brain lately.

I�m almost done The Bell Jar. It�s about a woman who slowly goes mad and (I think) eventually kills herself. It�s really weird reading it because I recognize all the signs of depression that she has and feel that it would be so easy to slip into that pattern again. What she is doing the way she is feeling... it makes sense in a way to be doing those things. I suppose it's like a comfort zone. I just feel that I understand it too well and if I understand it anymore it might end up being me.

Book: The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath

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