9:50 p.m. | Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002

bad mood

I�ve learned that:

-life sucks even if you are good like they tell you to be and people are whom totally evil will succeed and get everything they want

-rich spoiled people are terribly annoying

-people will fuck you over even if they claim to love you

-if you are stationary other people will move on no matter how much they care about you because they have to

-the idea of free health care in Canada is a big joke that you don't get the punch line to until it fucks you up the ass and it's just not as funny then

-people are shallow even when they say they aren't

-nobody really wants to be friends with the girl in the wheelchair and frankly volunteer friendship just isn't the same

-those stupid magazine articles about the girl/boy who overcome their illness and move on with life to succeed are very very depressing and stupid

-you can only read so many books and watch so much TV before you look around your room and think, ok I�m bored out of my mind, now what?

-motivation lasts about 10 mins and then I run away frightened

-having your brain and body messed up at the very same time makes total sense and is totally unfair

-I�m finished my Parkridge updates in case you were wondering, that stupid place gave me a bladder infection.

How did Parkridge give you a bladder infection you ask? Well since I�m tired and can throw caution to the wind I can tell you this. They basically treated me there like I was extra work and so did pretty much a half-assed job of taking care of me. Speaking of asses, when a person goes to the bathroom they like to come out of there with a clean one. Since I have trouble doing this myself those people that take care of me have to help take care of that part of my life. Fun huh? In any case, at Parkridge they did a really bad job. Brown stains in your underpants are a bit of evidence towards this theory. So not being clean will cause these sorts of infections.

-I am too bitter (am not! are too!)

-I haven't seen my shrink for about a month now, I should probably go back, what do you think?

-writing is point form is easy

-I�m reading a great book with awesome ideas and I can't concentrate on it (Book: 3001: The Final Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke)

-I keep thinking I need a friend but when I really think about it I�m not sure what I need

-I need to stop dehydrating myself semi-on-purpose

I�m not always this way. I�m tired and I can't control my emotions as well. Hide them, keep them away from people and probably myself.

-one thing I really enjoy doing is reading in bed

-I don't always remember what else I enjoy doing

Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again.
-- Unknown, Marin County newspaper's TV listing for "The Wizard of Oz"

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Female/26-30. Lives in Canada/Saskatchewan/Saskatoon/, speaks English and  . Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection. And likes Reading.
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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.