7:35 p.m. | Sunday, Dec. 01, 2002

the first of december, the month of christmas

The weekend was pretty good. I�m really tired right now so I don't have much to say. My sister and her boyfriend came over and we all ordered Chinese food. I think having fast food two days in a row is bad for me. I had pizza last night when Morrison was here.

So it appears that my period of 16 days is finally over!!! Yay! Celebrate! I�m still going to have to talk to my doctor about seeing what we can do to stop the thing short of removing organs.

Home care is doing some sort of home health aid switch again. A lot of people are being trained to come in (again) as they are changing what caseloads people have. I hate when they do this, it is so stressful. I have gotten a couple of good ones though that seem to be able to learn fairly quickly. We are thinking about going the independent hiring route because there is an organization that supplies people to work. That would be really nice, more hours of care and way more control over who comes in and who doesn't. We�ll see what happens.

Now I just have to find some Christmas cards and start writing in them. I want to keep on top of this or it'll never get done.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.