5:46 p.m. | Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003

dreams and day confusion

I keep thinking today is Sunday. I�m very confused. Last night Morrison stayed over and he usually stays over on Saturday so the next day is always Sunday. I have to keep reminding myself it's Thursday.

Whenever I dream I tend to have a brief argument with myself about whether I can stand up or not. I always end up agreeing that I can and that leads to taking steps and then I�m walking normally. I�m actually glad that my mind refuses to believe that I can't walk around. It�s nice to be able to walk in my dreams, even though sometimes complications arise. For example I do remember that I can't walk up stairs, usually about half way up a flight of them. Lately a wheelchair has been showing up in my dreams, but I don't need it for getting around most of the time. If the respirator is in my dreams I tend to carry it around with me like a backpack or just hold it on my hip like an over large book. My mind always remember that is can't be wet though and I have nightmares about being submerged in the water with it.

I got some more books in the mail today. Amazon.ca finally came through with my order. I had to delete a book from the order to get them to ship it... it was apparently not available anymore for some reason. That meant I had to pay shipping, and it wouldn't let me add another book to replace the deleted one. In any case I�m happy with what I got. Next week is book day so I should have enough unread books around me again.

I�ve been thinking lately about getting a new template, even just temporarily. However, I don't know what I want and I don't want to ask someone to make one and then not use it. I never know what I want until I see it.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.