8:26 p.m. | Sunday, Mar. 02, 2003

Robin Williams is spooky

Well I�ve decided not to reveal the IP address of the fuck you signer. It seems to me it's mostly just a random profanity. There is no direction for it, so it's not really offensive. It would be interesting to find out who it was and why they did it though.

Yesterday I saw the movie One Hour Photo. I thought it was a really good movie. There were some surprises and I thought that how they showed the fantasies of the character Robin Williams played (Sy the Photo guy) was very good and realistic. His pet hamster was exactly the same as the last hamster I had. Her name was Mable. It was really neat to see, because you don't often see that type of hamster. At least I hadn't. It was a neat surprise. In any case, I recommend you see the movie. Insomnia is also good, the other movie with Robin Williams as a bad guy character. He plays scary guys really well I think.

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