4:59 p.m. | Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003

ramdom crap

I need my watch fixed so I know the damn date. The little thingy that holds the strap in place broke and fell off so I can't wear the stupid thing. It has the date on it though and that is very handy when you can't remember what day it is most of the time. Also it alarms when I have to take my pills. It still does that it just does it from across the room now. That�s actually better because it alarms twice then and I hardly ever forget to take them. The point of that story now eludes me.

I�ve been reading the comics called The Invisibles. Let me tell you, it's one hell of a mind fuck. I�m lost about half the time I�m sure. It�s like a really long David Lynch film that you aren't sure you are quite following. I can do David Lynch but it's hard to keep that sort mindset up over an entire set of comics. If someone could just sum them up for me, like say a page for each volume I�d be really happy. I may or may not have to read a book before finishing the last comic lest I throw it across the room.

I will be Morrison-less this weekend, I need a volunteer to come over and console me. Either that or I need someone to hang out and watch movies with. The other things Morrison and I do together aren't required. It wouldn't be the same and he would get mad... you know how it is.

I was thinking about the proposed move to Calgary. First of all moving has totally infested my dreams and they aren't the happy kind. Also, we aren't rich people, where on earth would we live. Plus, if I lived on my own, I can't imagine the government (even in oil rich Alberta) giving me enough money to get a decent place. I can just see how fun living in a bad neighborhood in a large city would be. A woman, disabled, in a wheelchair living a crime ridden neighborhood sounds lovely doesn't it? Everything just comes down to money. The haves and the have-nots. Money doesn't buy happiness but not having enough money is pretty damn frustrating let me tell you.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.