7:32 p.m. | Tuesday, Mar. 11, 2003

my neck hurts

I had to return the vibrator. It would only stay in one mode and it got hot when it was on for more than a minute or so. It�s for the best anyway; it cost $50 that I didn't really have.

Today the books I ordered from the book club came. $30 for six books is pretty good I think. I won't be sending in a list of books I want from the library for next month, I have far too many books to read. You can never have too many books, but it's possible not to have enough time to read them.

Today I�m so tired. Yesterday was very draining and I could have used another couple hours of sleep I think. I couldn't fall asleep last night and so I called Morrison. He played music for me again and I dropped off soon after that. He always picks the perfect songs to put me to sleep. I always ask him to tell me a story and he plays music. Either way, calling him works. I won't be able to do that anymore when he gets a job though.

I called the doctor today to talk about increasing my medication (effexor) but I haven't heard from her yet. I don't know if we are going to New York or not yet either. As for the move to Calgary, I�m trying not to think about it until I absolutely have to.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.