5:01 p.m. | Monday, Mar. 31, 2003

last day of march

Last night I met the students officially. Since my grandpa is here for a couple days I had to eat upstairs with everyone. The Korean student looks very unhappy and the Chinese student looks like someone gave him a fat lip. I didn't really talk to them at all, which is fine with me. Part of the home stay program for these students is not only learning English but partaking in family chores such as washing dishes, cleaning their room, and the bathroom. I guess the Chinese student didn't know that because he was being ornery about having to wash the dishes after supper last night. Mom was telling him he didn't have to rinse the dishes so much, that rinsing was just to get the soap off. He proceeded to argue with her and then started a sentence with "When you order a man around...". He wasn't allowed to finish that one and mom got fairly angry. It is very apparent that men in China are raised to think of women as less than equal with them. The students from China that have stayed here so far have acted arrogant and spoiled. After these students are gone we aren't taking anymore until after the summer is over and we are all looking forward to the break.

I seem to be getting a lot of spam lately on my regular email address and most of it is from yahoo. I don't even know what it's about because I don't even read it anymore. Stop sending it; I�m not the sucker you are looking for!

I can't wait until things start turning green outside. The first time you can tell the trees are getting buds on them and you can see sprouts peeking out of the flowerbed is so wonderful. Summer is my favorite time of year; I wish we had six months of that instead of winter. I live much too far north.

I skipped my shrink today. At least I thought I did. My mom came down and told me that my shrink had cancelled today and rescheduled for next week. Of course, that was after I had phoned and cancelled already. I feel a bit stupid now. I�m going to ask my mom to write down my messages and post them on my monitor or something because otherwise I just don't seem to get them.

I had an erotic dream about one of my sister�s female friends the other night. I thought only adolescent boys did that. Excuse me while I blush.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.