5:55 p.m. | Thursday, Apr. 10, 2003

just not enough for anyone maybe

I hate when you want to help someone but you know you can't help. When you try to help you know you are only making things worse and you should just shut up but you can't. Plus, you feel bad and there is nothing you can do. It�s a very frustrating situation, and I�m not sure who for, them or me.

I watched the wedding planner today. I don't usually watch romantic comedies and I don't usually like them either. This was an ok movie, but I think movies like that just make me feel weird. They have to turn out in the end but that's not real. Love doesn't conquer all, there is no happy ending and the love of your life doesn't appear in your life by saving you from a dumpster. At least not in my life. In the movie the character Mary had almost gotten married before and she said that she felt the reason he left her was because she just wasn't enough. You rarely find profundity in romantic comedies but that's exactly how I feel/felt about being left by my fianc�. That I just wasn't enough for him. It�s a terrible way to feel. (How fucking ironic is it that they named the chick in the movie that planned weddings Mary?? Plus she�ll get over the feeling, the star actor fell in love with her and they will live happily ever after. Bah.)

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.