12:08 p.m. | Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2003


I finished this book called Regina's Song that I was really looking forward to reading because it was by one of my favorite authors David Eddings. He normally writes fantasy novels and lately he has been putting his wife�s name on the books next to his own. This was a very different sort from what he used to write. It was a psychological thriller about a girl whose twin was murdered and she goes insane. The plot of the book isn't that important to what I�m saying though. I was very disappointed in the book. The first thing I noticed was that the language used was very campy, lots of words like "cutiey-poo" and "antsy-pantsy". I found that annoying especially because the book is supposed to be about murder, rape and insanity. I'm not sure if they were trying to soften the material of the book with this language, but I found it crap. There was no swearing, no sex... it seemed too clean and at times almost preachy for the subject of the book. The characters as well seemed too perfect; they didn't have any flaws and seemed unrealistic. The thing that really pissed me off though was the horrible pop psychology that is outdated and in most cases wrong. I don't necessarily think that a book has to be completely accurate but I do like it when it has some sort of truth and doesn't perpetuate false myths. I don't know if having his wife so much a part of his projects has softened his writing or if the change to a totally different genre of books wasn't a good move for him, but I don't think I�ll want to read anymore of his writing for awhile. The book did have enough good things going for it that I did finish it. The ending pissed me off too though.

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