1:02 p.m. | Friday, Jun. 27, 2003

a long update

Yes, I am in fact updating. If you haven't read the last five entries, Morrison was over for the week. We did nothing but goof off pretty much. We didn't do eBay; I didn't read cartoons, yahoo groups or diaries. Of course now I have an entire week to catch up on and that seems like a ton of work now.

So, let's see. Morrison arrived Thursday night and my parents left Friday afternoon. I have no idea what we did Friday so don't even ask. Saturday we walked over to the mall to see the movie the Hulk. It was a really good movie; I didn't even notice how long it was. The CGI was really cool and the character of the Hulk was great. Small glitch about a quarter of the way over to the mall, my respirator started beeping and saying battery low. Now I have a large external battery for the thing that is supposed to last 9 hours, but apparently it wasn't charged at all (we think the charger is broken) so Morrison had to run back to the house and get the cord to plug the respirator into the wall once we got to the movie. We had just made it to the theater when it quit altogether so everything was ok. I'm good without it for a little while anyway.

I'm pretty sure Sunday involved more goofing off, eating food that was bad for us and watching TV. At some point during the week we watched K19: The Widow Maker and The Bourne Identity on digital cable too. I had to sleep in my own room Sunday night because Monday is shower day. It just works out better that way. The poor home health aids seem to really miss my mom. Maybe they thought Morrison was intimidating, I dunno.

Monday, um, dunno. *ponders the rest of the week* Tuesday I had an appointment with the Disability Services office at the university to go over my student loan/grant stuff. I had pretty much everything finished except I didn't have the two quotes for the laptop for the grant people. I actually didn't know I was supposed to have these right away, otherwise I would have, but no big deal.

We went over my applications and letters, the woman I saw wrote some letters... We figured out what money I would need to pay someone to be an attendant (I'll need someone to help me get set up in class, and get my coat on and off, that sort of thing) and put that in a letter. After the meeting we headed to the campus computer store and got a quote for a laptop there. It was a very productive day.

Wednesday night my parents got home around 8:30pm. It was a really great week. Morrison stayed over Wednesday too and so yesterday my dad, Morrison and I trucked over to another computer store to get another quote (and afterwards take Morrison home). When I showed the guy there what I wanted (a list from the campus computer store) he said "Wow" about three times. I thought that was a pretty good sign that I was getting a good computer. It took him awhile to get the quote together, so we wandered around the store. The digital cameras there are seriously marked up. The Sony Store sells the Sony cameras for half what they were selling them for. We got the quote and took Morrison home. He printed out the quote from the campus store for me (my parents printer is temperamental lately and won't print out .pdf for some reason). I realized that there were a few things that needed to put onto the other computer store's list so we went back and dad got him to redo it. My dad said that the computer guy asked if all this was paid for, and dad said yeah, it's a grant for school. The computer guy said that it was a pretty sweet computer. I'm pretty pumped now about this new computer thing. We sent out the forms in the mail yesterday so it'll be about 4 weeks until I find out if I got it (which I will) and how I'm going to be buying/paying for the computer, as well as the attendant person. I have to find them myself... Someone to sit in class with me for $10-$12 an hour. Other than that I'm pretty much set.

I got the class registration guide so I've even figured out which two classes I want and what times they are at. Philosophy (which I'll need towards the degree I'm hoping for) and Women's Studies (just cause I have been meaning to take it) are the two classes. It looks like I will be at the university from 11am to about 4pm. Long day. Hopefully I can do it. *fingers crossed*

I think that's about all. The cats are going to miss Morrison like crazy. Darwin followed him around like a shadow the whole week and purred for him almost daily.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.