12:06 p.m. | Tuesday, Jul. 08, 2003

bad cat, bad

I feel much better today than I did yesterday. I ended up crying off and on most of the day and I think it had to do with a release of all the stress I'd been feeling for most of last week. Between waiting to see about the student loan/grant and having so much company I was a mess. I guess Morrison changing our plans was the last straw and everything crashed down. For those who are curious he went out with some friends instead. I was pretty mad, but since he doesn't have car yet it did make sense for him to hang out with them instead of taking the bus again to come see me. I was disappointed but I'm over it.

I got the card in the mail yesterday that says the office has received my student loan application. The date stamped on it is July 3rd, and it says allow up to four weeks from that date for processing. I know the date I have to wait for now (July 24th) so I feel much better.

I also got my GST check in the mail yesterday (for those non-Canadians it's a tax rebate) and it's more than it usually is. This will go straight towards getting light therapy by the fall. I definitely should be able to get that now.

The cats are doing much better. I heard them playing this morning and I hadn't heard them do that since the demon child had arrived here. They are still quite nervous. Salinger was eating and heard a noise; he turned his head so fast the food flew out of his mouth. He also left the room by going under my wheelchair which he never does... poor little cautious kitties. Darwin was being a bad little pisser last night, literally. He attempted to pee on one of my bags that was on the floor and I yelled at him so he stopped. Then he crouched down in a box full of Avon products and started peeing in there. Mom had to yell at him and swat him to stop him. So there was cat pee on some of the stuff people ordered. Luckily nothing was ruined and we were able to clean things off. I think he was trying to convey a message with that behavior. I wish they would just write a note that says "I am unhappy" instead.

Today is book day, yay! I actually sent a list of books I wanted this time so hopefully I'll get some that I want. I hadn't sent a list in a couple months and the number of books that I wanted to read out of the ones I received had dwindled considerably.

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