12:15 p.m. | Saturday, Jul. 26, 2003

saturday and it's hot outside. i'm wearing a corset baby.

There is a new feature were you can put a link like this Buy me a Gold Membership! and people can buy you a gold or super gold membership. I've never had super gold, I don't know if I need it anyway, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford a gold membership when it runs out again. So.... If you are feeling generous don't hesitate, haha.

I bought this a few weeks ago, I had my eye on it for months now and I'm finally wearing it today. I obviously don't look a thing like the chick in the picture (no really, hehe) but I think it looks kind of nice. It might actually be a bit too long on me because I had to get a large, but not so you'd really notice (I hope). Also I have the bit of a tummy thing going, but I was assured I look good in it. *crosses fingers that she doesn't look stupid in the thing* The page I linked to has about a dozen things I would love to have on it. I think I'm slightly addicted to lingerie.

We have more stuff up on Ebay again. Still cards and Rolling Stone magazines, though I'm thinking of putting up some of my books for sale and a couple hats I own but don't wear, maybe some candles and a dress I bought that doesn't fit me. I'll see how things go. I also have some bookmarks I could probably part with... I have to go through my closet as well to see what kind of stuff in lurking in there. I want to sell this scanner I have as well because it only works with Windows 95 so it's of no use to me but maybe someone with an older computer can use it. I just have to figure out how to get the card for it out of my computer. The thing is in excellent shape and works perfectly, I just can't use it.

I finished the book The Trial last night. I didn't realize it was an unfinished novel before I started reading it but I figured I might as well finish reading it anyway. You can definitely tell that there are parts missing, the last chapter feels like you skipped ahead a few chapters to get to it. It's a very weird book, I never actually found out what the trial was for (and neither did the accused man find out what he was accused of) and it's hard to tell exactly how the ending got to where it did. It is worth reading if you are into his sort of writing and I do want to read more of his stuff, though I'd rather it was finished already.

At least two-thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity: idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religous or political ideas.
-- Aldous Huxley

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.