2:20 p.m. | Friday, Jan. 16, 2004

entry for january, good title eh?

Homecare is the crappiest organization ever. Today mom got a call because one of the homehealth aids accused her of being disrespectfu. This is a pile of bullshit and the issues involved are so ridiculous they don't even merit repeating. You'd think that if you are paying people good money to come into your home and take care of you that you would have some control over who comes in and they could not make so much trouble for you over stupid things. Unfortunately this is a government subsidized organization and we all know what that means. Stupidity runs rampant, management sucks and we all hate it. Of course, we can't afford anything better.

Other than that things are going ok. I'm pretty tired and I only went to school one day this week. It must be the time of year or something. I seem to be doing alright though. My marks in my classes are in the mid-eights (which pleases me to no end). I got my essay topics yesterday so I'll have to start thinking about that right away, hopefully I can find something that's easier to research than last time and I won't freeze up about writing it.

I have to say it is very lonely without Morrison around during the week. I missed him muchly. I'm all excited about talking to him today when he gets home and I might even get to see him tomorrow! Yay!

I think my table exploded while I wasn't looking. I had it all clean but woosh, mess has appeared.

On a side note, my gold membership is coming to an end soon and I don't know what I'm going to do about it. I can't really afford to renew it, but I have 2 diaryrings, plus a whole bunch of images... it would suck if I don't. Decisions, decisions. Well, I suppose if I don't have the money, I don't have it and that's that. It would mean an end to my beloved cocksuckers diaryring though.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.