3:01 p.m. | Saturday, Jul. 03, 2004


On Canada Day (July 1st) I went to a party at my sister and fiance's place. I had a pretty good time, even though half the time I was freezing. At 18 C outside I need to start dressing like it's winter. It was my own fault though I realized later, I should have kept eating and that would have kept me warm. We walked over to see the fireworks and they weren't too bad. They were kind of slow though, but the finale was really cool. On the way back I saw a guy with a bunny on a leash. It was sitting on the grass giving itself a bath, very cute. I came home wearing a pair of my sister's pants and this guy's sweater... It isn't a party unless you come home wearing someone else's clothes, haha. I have no idea how much I had to drink because I had a mug of coffee with alcohol in it and a bunch of jello shots. I did end up talking to people more than I normally would have I think. There was a small incident with some people who apparently thought that my sister's yard looked like a good place to sit and drink beer. It turned out that nobody at the party knew them so they were asked to leave. They flung a bottle at the fence on the way out so a few of the burly male types went after them. The bottle flingers had fled already though. All in all I had a pretty good time, I left when I just felt to cold to stay. It was a good time to go anyway because soon after I got home it started to rain really heavily. I can't actually get into my sister's house so I'm not sure what we would have done if it had rained while I was there. Hang a tarp maybe.

I got my marks back for my classes. I got 72% in Women's and Gender Studies and an 82% in Philosophy. I would have gotten a higher mark in Women's and Gender Studies if the prof hadn't insisted on taking 10 marks off the essay for it being late. I even asked if a doctor's letter would help, you know so she wouldn't take off the marks because I had medical reasons, but she said no. I'm not sure what her reasoning behind taking of the marks are exactly, but nothing I can do about it.

Mom had surgery on her knees the week before last on Wednesday. She had the cartildge scraped. Morrison came over to stay for a few days until my dad came home on that Saturday. It was cool having him around for a few days. I think my cat Darwin was the most happy about it though. I have asked him to stay again starting Monday for a few days after my Dad goes out on the road again. Hopefully my Mom's knees will be healed again enough to lift me soon after that. She thinks that maybe she can start again Monday, but I figure that she should start out slow with that.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.