2:04 p.m. | Sunday, Jul. 04, 2004


The enzyme therapy thing seems like it's going to be delayed. The estimate that it would begin at the beginning of July was overly optimistic I think. The doctor that is in charge of the whole thing was in Germany and will be back at his office tomorrow. We talked to the pharmaceutical company and apparently they only recently sent off the package needed so the doctor can present before the ethics committee. I'm not sure what that means, except I'm sure it means that I will be waiting longer. It seems like every minute matters now, because my arms are getting worse all the time. I was stable for awhile, but in the last year I've been losing the strength in my arms and feeling more tired. I don't know if I will be able to go back to school in the fall... I wanted to know how much going to Calgary would affect me so I could decide what I'm going to do. I guess I should just plan to go and see what happens.

My ex-fiance just told me he misses frying eggs for me. He hates eggs, but he said he missed making them for me. I found that a very sweet thing to say, but I'm not sure how to take it. We have been talking more lately and I have can finally speak to him as a friend and not feel angry. I think that is a good step for me. I'm not sure how good it is for him... I don't know if he stills feels anything for me... Right now anything I think is just wild speculation and I suppose I will deal with whatever happens when it happens. I will also have to remember the bad with the good that was our relationship and that missing him doesn't mean I want him back. Oy.

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