3:01 p.m. | Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2004

death of a computer

My computer is apparently trying to commit suicide. I was amazed I got it to start up and run today. I was talking to a computer guy as it was dying on Monday and he said that probably some of my RAM has gone caput. I have no idea how expensive it is going to be to get RAM for this laptop but it worries me greatly. If you don't see me around much or at all, my computer is dead. I'm trying to only run one program at a time so it won't die completely again.

Yesterday the enzyme therapy went well. They give me Benadryl now before the therapy so I don't break out in itchy rash stuff like I did last time. Apparently this is a very common reaction to infusions, even infusions of blood. They are checking to make sure my body is not creating antibodies against the enzyme. I am not sure what it means if I do but I have a feeling it wouldn't be good.

Wish me luck on the computer and antibody front.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.