12:28 p.m. | October 23, 2001

update on the kitten and more

salinger the sick kitty is doing no better but no worse. my mom took him to the vet early this morning and x-rays were taken. the vet says that he has bad gas which caused his intentines to ball up. this, apparently, should fix itself. if he doesn't drink anything by tomorrow they will have to put him on IV. poor darwin (my other kitten) has been so lost without him to play with. right now they are cuddled up on my bed sleeping. poor little guys. x-rays cost $70 by the way. ugh.

i also found out today that i will be going to parkridge for sure. they aren't completely sure when, but more than likely next week. i'm sort of happy about this now that i've gotten used to the idea. i just need a computer and my kittens. that's all i ask.

has anyone ever seen a pen grow legs and walk away? cause i'm positive they do that when i'm not looking.

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