12:07 p.m. | January 03, 2002

That's it, i'm leaving

so we had a meeting today with the person formely known as mark (i think i will now call him the fucking asshole, FA for short) and this chick named mary ellen, my mother was also there. mary ellen is apparently a follower and a yes girl. yes, FA, i agree FA, can i suck your dick FA?

the meeting was supposed to be about my care plan and getting more showers a week and also the day FA and Jewel came into my room and gave me hell for having a shower. of course he lied his ass off again. accused me basically of lying about the incident and maybe because i was working so hard i didn't remember it right. because apparently physical work adles the brain? fucker, fucker fucker.

i brought up the kitten thing, which is shouldn't have. apparently all animals are flithy and they would pose a risk (from my room) to other patients. i'm not quite sure what exactly the risk is, but apparently cat dander travels like you wouldn't believe. *cough*bullshit*cough* he mentioned they have a bad ventilation system, which they do. but in this case wouldn't it work in my favor because it wouldn't spread any hardy travelling cat dander from spreading? he listed patients that would be at risk, one of which "would die if he got near the cats". hahaha, i told him that this person had held them repeatedly. still alive and kicking, go figure.

when we talked about the showers and said that not only was one shower a week embarassing but unhealthy and unhygenic (which my shrink agreed with) he maintained that "his patients are clean". i snorted, i mean come on. you can smell that they aren't clean for god's sake. i think i'm used to it now, but i know many people have mentioned it. including people that work here. liar liar, pants on fire.

FA started laughing at me at one point when i was speaking. how professional of him. i really apprieciated that i can tell you. course now he won't talk to me without my mother present because i'm such a liar. frankly, that's fine by me, i'll have a witness.

i told him at one point that he said i would definitely be able to have the cats in my room, which he did. he said well what i said doesn't matter. i thought, "great! if what you say doesn't matter i can ignore you completely!" he probably didn't mean that though. he also mentioned that he can't shuffle staff around for one patient's convience, on the one hand i can see his point. however, if you think about it, why the fuck not? i LIVE here. live as in, reside, this is my home. they WORK here, which is much different and short of firing someone shouldn't they want to accomadate the people that live here?

so we want to talk to someone higher up than FA, which we should have done anyway, because the meeting was a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. we didn't talk about what we were supposed to and mary ellen didn't help at all or say anything at all really. except to say yes, FA, sure FA, oh you are so smart i must throw myself at you FA. at the end of the meeting they asked if there was anything else i wanted to say, apparently my smile conveyed what i wanted to say, at least to my mom. she hussled me out of there pronto.

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