11:43 a.m. | March 22, 2002

yes, yes i need therapy and more books

there is too much cool stuff on diaryland. i've had to put a folder in my bookmarks for some of them. i'm thinking of just joining notify lists of people that have them so i have more room on my buddy list. i'm far too addicted to this.

last night i started a book that seems to be turningout to be a cool murder mystery. i haven't read a good one in a rather long time and i'm really enjoying it. british people write the best mysteries. also the best cat encyclopedias. hehe.

the people that were helping me get up today were talking about bingo. one of them said that her sister won $2400 at it. so they were mentioning what they would do with the money. i said i'd go to a bookstore. haha, how boring is that. it is one of my dreams to go into a bookstore with a couple thousand though and buy a bunch of stuff i want.

last night one of the chicks that works here dropped my discman on the floor. this floor is not a soft floor, it's a school type, what do you call that on the floor, it's not tile, ummm anyway, as bad as cement. i'm afraid to see what's wrong with it now. i should before i leave because i think they have to pay for accidents like that. they damn well better have to if it's broken.

you definitely need therapy if your dreams involve rampaging livestock in my opinion.

you know it's really disappointing when someone has this great really cool banner and then their diary sucks. i just thought i'd mention that.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.