7:21 p.m. | May 19, 2002

titles seem to be just a pain in the ass lately

It�s good day bad day time. Kinda of like good idea bad idea, which was much more funny and you would only know about it if you watched the animaniacs. I probably won't follow the format closely.

Mom found the really cool ball behind my dresser so there is much kitty fun happening in my room right now. I don't know why but this ball has to be played with no matter what. Even Darwin, who doesn't play much with stuff, absolutely must play with this ball.

Anyway, that was the good day part for the cats; they also got to see Morrison. He's their favorite person ever. They purr for him, they do not purr for me. They get incredibly happy when he comes over, they are not this happy to see me. Yes, I�m jealous. My cats love a guy better than me that isn't even my boyfriend and is only around once a week. He did babysit them a few times. He mentioned THAT in his 6-month summary, he did not mention me in his 6-month summary. I am one of the most consistent things that has been around for the past 6 months, well besides the cats. I've been around for more than 6 months in fact. *mutter* Ok I think that was the bad day part. Wait, there's more. I mentioned that my mom wouldn�t stop calling him my boyfriend. He said well if someone asks him if he's my boyfriend he has to tell the truth, which is, that he's not my boyfriend. I�m fairly fine with this for the most part and I didn�t expect a different answer. However today it upset me for some reason. Possibly because I haven't eaten all day, possibly because I�m tired, possibly because it seems like he should be, but he isn't (my boyfriend). No don't ask me to explain that. I suppose that after 6 months it's hard to suppress feelings for a person ALL of the time. Bah.

I saw Star Wars Episode 2 today, and the critics can really kiss my ass. I thought it was really good and enjoyed it thoroughly. The special effects were really cool and I liked seeing things that have been suggested at for a long time but never shown in a scene. *trying for no spoilers* I also enjoyed watching Morrison act like a kid with a brand new toy when he got to see it. That made me smile a lot.

He did stay overnight last night and that was also a good part of the day/weekend. We watched "Waking Life" which was really good and "From Hell" which was not. Well really his coming over and spending time with me was THE good part of the weekend. I dislike the week because I hardly get to see anyone at all. He makes me happy for 24 to 36 hours.

I'm so glad tomorrow is a holiday; I don't think I could start facing another week tomorrow. At the end of each weekend I dread the beginning of another week. I bet this is common among people who have jobs and things like that. I don't have a job, I have physio. I have to submit again to the horribleness that is home care and everyone else's schedule. I absolutely loathe it. I believe that would be a bad part.

So I was happy until we got back from the movie. I suppose fleeting happiness is better than none at all.

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