1:00 p.m. | May 22, 2002

i'm going to be blow away in the wind, remind me to take a cell phone so someone can pick me up

I don't want to go out today. The wind is blowing faster than people normally drive down the street. I have to go because my mom is making me. I probably should go, being that it's a shrink appointment. I expect small children to go flying by the window any minute.

I watched the movie Frequency last night. It was pretty good actually in a sappy sort of way. I throw that in because I know people I was chatting with last night are going to want to know what movie I left them for. I also painted my fingernails mauve. It�s ok though because it's metallic and shiny. Pastel colors are only ok if they have something else funky to them like metallicness.

My cat (Darwin, the bad one now) kept me up half the night last night crashing around my room playing with the really cool ball. That�s it; the ball is going in a drawer at night. My bedside clock is now on the floor and wasn't that a nice spectacular crash. The day before it was a speaker from my stereo. I may have mentioned that already. I swear one of these days it's going to be me hurled to the floor by an over-exuberant kitty.

Book: Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

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