5:11 p.m. | Monday, Jul. 08, 2002

yay, dad is home!

My sister came over today to do her laundry because they don't have a washing machine in her house yet. We sat around and bitched about shit half the time. A lot of it was about my mom's flea like attention span and ignoring of my sister. Mom has gotten really weird lately, which I know I�ve said. Ok not lately, but the last 6 months. She doesn't pay attention, is distracted by anything and thinking about what to make for dinner tires her out. I�m going with denied depression on this one. My dad is here for 5 days now thank god. He�s about the only one that can keep her focused. He also takes the heat off us because as a parental we can ask him things instead of mom. I get along with him better anyway, we have similar personalities.

I finally got my comics from Player vs. Player. I ordered them back in January or something and they finally got here. I was thinking that it was a write off for money because I paid for them with Pay Pal. I still can't figure out how to set it up so people can send money to you that way or if I can in fact do that in Canada. It�s not that big a deal, but I might need it someday. If any kind soul wants to explain it to me I�d be very happy.

I painted my nails light Easter type blue today. It�s funny because they were black Friday until today. Drastic change, but for some reason I felt the need to use it. I�m not usually a light color sort of person. Speaking of colors, next time I go to Wal-Mart I�m checking out nail polish. Must. Have. More. Colors.

My sister is going to lend me The Princes Bride when she finishes reading it. Apparently it was originally written to make fun of Florin royals and the story of Buttercup and her love was just a side thing. The version she is reading has all the crap edited out of it. The guy who edited it had the book read to him by his dad, who skipped all the boring parts. So it was his favorite book and when he was old enough to read it he was shocked by things like the entire chapter on the queen packing and 40 pages on a journey that should have taken 2 pages. So he edited out the bad stuff so people could enjoy the story. He makes comments along the way about what he edited out and why he did. I suppose you could get the full story somewhere if you were really interested in a long-winded satire on the Florin royals.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.