8:11 p.m. | Friday, Sept. 13, 2002

parkridge for 8 days, arg

So I haven't written anything lately and not really for lack of things to say. Just a lack of motivation to want to write them down.

On Tuesday afternoon I�m going to Parkridge for the week. No computer. I�m going to miss chatting with everyone terribly. Half my day is spent on the computer! I�m going to take a lot of books and the TV and DVD player. Also I�m going to take my tarot cards and do spreads in the dining room. I always like to make a stir.

This weekend Morrison is coming over. That�s a good thing because I feel attention deprived. The physical contact I get from him is practically all the affection physically I get. One weekend without him and I�m lost. Plus I miss him a lot. He�s taking the cats home with him on Sunday... I�m going to miss them bunches.

I got new glasses today. I�ve been on a mission to get them since my eye appointment. They are very spiffy. It�s been four years since I had new ones and I got a really cheap pair I hardly cared about then. This pair I took pains to pick out and I like them a lot. My mom says they make me look like a woman. *chuckles* Everything is a little sharper too because my prescription changed. So I�m all snazzy.

That�s all I have to say for now I guess. Possibly more later, definitely on Monday. Tuesday is the day of doom.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.