12:41 p.m. | Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002

rant, rant, rant

I�m in a pissy mood today. I woke up in a bad mood. Well I usually wake up in a bad mood to be honest; I just don't like waking up.

I wish I had someone to phone because I really feel like using my phone right now. Hmmph.

I�m sure most of you have heard of that "savekaryn" website. The one where that chick put up a site asking for money because she had maxed out all her credit cards shopping for something fucking inane like that. The worst part about the whole thing is that she got money. Thousands of dollars! Why people felt they needed to send her money is quite beyond my imagination. Some bimbo spent a whole lot of money and can't afford to pay off her credit cards now. Boo-fucking-hoo. That makes me so mad. There are so many other worthy causes you could send money to. Like helping the homeless or donating to some sort of medical research. Even if you wanted to make it personal and send money to just one person find someone who actually needs it. For example, someone who has huge medical bills from a serious illness or someone who can't afford something they really need like a wheelchair or food. What about just brightening someone's day by buying them something nice or taking them to dinner or a movie. There are programs during Christmas where you can buy toys or winter clothes for children or make up a basket of food for a family. Sending money to a total stranger because they have a problem managing their own credit cards when they are in the mall is just wrong. It�s stupid and it makes me so angry I could strangle people. Maybe beat them until they understand the ridiculousness of things. Also I hate that savekaryn girl so much that I could kill her. All she did was need money for credit card debt and people felt all sorry for her. (Warning selfish part.) What about someone like me, who has all these problems, physically, mentally and financially? Why don't people want to donate money to me in the amount of thousands? Not to mention the fact that my parents have had to spend thousand of dollars on renovations for the house because I�m in a wheelchair and things that I�ve needed because of my disability. Canadian health care, contrary to popular belief, does not pay for everything even if you are on welfare. Plus in this province they treat people with permanent disabilities just like people who don't have jobs. They pay you the same amount and treat you the same way (can't save money, can't have expensive things, etc.). It�s ridiculous. So yes I�m angry and yes I�ve thought of doing something like the savekaryn thing before for myself. One reason I haven't is that I would have no real idea how and the other reason is it would feel too much like begging and that would just feel cheap and low. If someone out of the goodness of their heart gets the idea that they want to give me something fine, but otherwise I can't seriously ask. I had a web cam fund thing going for a while but I ended up with only $15 anyway. Apparently people that have credit card debt are more appealing. What I really need is to meet a very nice multi-millionaire that really wants to do things for me to make my life better. That�s about as likely as me becoming the next leader of Iran. So well, that's my rant for today. I�m feeling sorry for myself lately and very pissed off about it.

Book: Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story Christopher Moore

Time is that quality of nature which keeps events from happening all at once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working.
-- Anonymous

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.