12:42 p.m. | Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2002

it's wednesday and that means it's one week exactly until my birthday!

The Internet is taking forever to go anywhere today and it's pissing me off. I have to wait minutes for a page to load! I don't have dial up dammit. In other news, I get at least one hit in every ten for an "itchy nipple" search. I still have no idea what this is about and the person or persons have started using different search engines besides google. *shrug* Other googles (lycoses and yahoos) I have received lately are "black german shepherd", "pictures of my hair" and "shel silverstien". Nothing too weird there.

I hate winter. I feel like I�ve been popped into a dehydrator with a breeze going. My hair is flyaway and I�m all dried up. I need humidity! At least a little bit. Drink more water, I like feeling bloated. I think I need eye drops; my eyeballs are threatening to strike out for more humid country. I don't like it really humid in the winter though, that makes the cold worse. When body parts are drying up and you look like you have a hangover things are going bad. My poor nose.

Oh good, someone on the street got a car alarm. Of course, people in this neighborhood would actually pay attention to when it went off.

I�m reading this book called Psychology and Western Religion by Carl Jung. I think some of it is a wee bit over my head. I have no background in philosophy and very little in the history of religions. The first chapter gave me a headache. When he started talking about Plato and using algebra to talk about the "trinity" my eyes almost rolled back in my head. I have pressed on though because I think I got the main points and it seems to be getting better. It takes quite a bit longer to read one page of this book than anything fiction though.

Today I got two packages in the mail from amazon.com. Two lovely people sent me presents for my birthday. I love them. One of them is azmad. Love for azmad!!! I still have no idea who the other one is. I now have their name and address though. That might narrow it down if I do a search for them on diaryland. It would make it easier if this person would reveal themselves so I could thank them properly. I could always send a letter saying, "thanks for the gift whoever you are." So, whoever you are, thank you!!! Love for the mystery person!!

A lot of the home health aids knew neighbor's daughter that died. They got home care for her for a while until they moved her into a group home. In any case, I just find it sad that everyone is asking about her now. People who never gave her a second thought when she was alive now are sad that she died. I suppose it is sad, but it would be nicer if they had spent time with her when she was still around maybe. I did hear that they kept her very busy at the group home.

You know, it's much harder to type an entry when a 16 lb. cat keeps walking across the keyboard. It can't be good for the keyboard either. He has paws like mitts I tell you. (Darwin the big huge cat.) I love playing with his paws though because they are so huge and soft. I�m just glad the fish tank is so heavy so there is no chance of him moving it. It�s terrible when your cat is stronger than you are.

I think that's all for now. I�m going to the shrink in about 2 hours so I�ll let you know how that goes.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.