9:18 p.m. | Monday, Oct. 28, 2002

two more days left, woo!

I was so tired this morning when I woke up. I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep. However, today was a shower day and you don't skip a shower day if at all possible. Besides that mom was going out for lunch so I couldn't sleep in. I won't get a chance tomorrow either because Tuesday is now they day that a nurse comes in during morning home care so my mom can go out. Wednesday is my birthday and I�m not sure if I can sleep in then either if I�m going to look like anything in the evening.

Tomorrow night two of my aunts from out of town are coming over for dinner. It�s going to be a very noisy night. My mom's sisters are just as talkative (if not more) than her. Luckily my sister and her boyfriend will be there. We can take off when it seems prudent. Mom says they won't be here at my birthday supper, which is rather nice. She said we�d keep it to immediate family. Morrison will also be there. :) Presents and cake! Yay! I�m such a kid.

I�m almost finished this infernal book Psychology and Western Religion by Carl Jung. I've been ready to throw it out the window a few times already. It seems to have gotten easier to read as I�ve gone along though. I can't wait to start reading fiction again though. Then I have to get through the book I borrowed from my shrink, The Psychology of Women. I think that one should be interesting and probably have fewer languages in it than the one by Carl Jung.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.