11:57 a.m. | Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2002

dreams are trying to give me a heart attack

I�m seriously considering the possibility that my unconscious mind doesn't like me. I�ve dreamt twice now that a dog has killed Salinger. Last night I dreamt that there was a man standing over my bed, it was actually my uncle bob (who has a serious creep factor all his own). He touched my leg and I freaked out (in the dream). Eventually the figure became more and more insubstantial until I "realized" it was moonlight on my wall. I�m not sure if I ever woke up in this dream, I can remember reaching for the phone to call my mom and then resting it on my chest. I think I dreamt that though, I also dreamt accidentally hitting the speed dial button about 5 or 6 times accidentally to call her. I think that was dreaming too, but I�m not sure. It was all very frightening. Why do I keep dreaming about strange (or not so strange) men trying to do terrible things to me? I�m sure if you measured my heart rate at night it must sky rocket during these dreams. It�s like a cardio-vascular workout when I go to sleep now. Honestly, restful peaceful dreams would be nice for once.

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.