7:07 p.m. | Sunday, Dec. 22, 2002

family christmas gathering

Today we went to my aunt's place where a lot of my father's family gathered for Christmas lunch and gift opening. We used to do this at my grandma's place but she doesn't like all the stress of that anymore. My sister and her boyfriend came to keep me company. It was mostly an afternoon of boredom. We got there at noon and left at almost 4pm. I wasn't hungry and my stomach hurt so lunch was pretty much a write off for me. Then we just sat around being bored until grandma handed out the gifts and then we were bored until we left. We didn't even do the Christmas exchange this year, so the five of us had brought gifts for no reason. My dad, my mom and my sister's boyfriend kept their gifts for themselves, I gave mine to grandma (she was so happy, it was really nice) with my sister's name attached and my sister isn't sure what to do with hers. I�m sure all that was fascinating. If they aren't doing gift exchange next year I�m not going (that is unless my mom has it at our house next year like she mentioned). It�s no fun then. Plus nobody even brought games or anything this time. Blah. My aunt's little boy wouldn't shut up. He was apparently teething but I think basically he's just an incredibly irritable child. If he didn't get what he wanted immediately (and he wasn't always sure what it was that he wanted) he screamed. I have to take back the gift I got from grandma. It�s perfume that I�d never wear. I don't like taking gifts back, but I think it's worse if you keep something you don't like. I guess it was nice to go to see my grandmother. I mean she won't be around forever. She is always glad to see me as well. She loves seeing everyone and giving out gifts at Christmas.

My sister was the one harassed this time over not being married. Ha! I just got a nod in the direction of not having anyone with me. I think the wheelchair thing has deterred them from bugging me about having/bringing a boyfriend though.

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