7:57 p.m. | Thursday, Feb. 06, 2003

heroes or not

Yesterday I had my entire toenail removed. Let me tell you this is not fun. Today when we tried to take the bandage off it was all stuck to my toe. I soaked my foot in water for 3 hours and it still wouldn't come off. We have decided to let it live there for a little while. Hopefully it'll get tired of being on my toe and just fall off by itself.

Morrison was talking to me about heroes the other day (in fact he wrote a diary entry about it) and it got me thinking about how freely we just toss that title around. If you are in survive a huge accident or die in one you are all of a sudden a hero. The idea of what a hero is and what you have to do to earn the title has been totally watered down so it means almost nothing. I think if you are really to be called a hero you have to do something courageous or something that benefits the human race greatly. I think that people have personal heroes; a person that has done something that makes a real difference in your life. Is it possible to have heroes that are a hero for everyone anymore?

Book: The Tommyknockers Stephen King

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Canada, Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, , English, , Female, 26-30, Reading.