3:46 p.m. | 2003-02-26

Nurturing Your Child

�One of the problems is treatment of children who commit serious crimes. I know that in Canada and the United States that the system set up for those under legal age is just about laughable. There is more and more push towards treating children (increasingly younger children) like mini-adults, responsible in the same ways for what they have done. I honestly think this is wrong, children think differently than adults about many things and their ideas about things such as right and wrong, lying, and death are very different. They haven't developed fully in mind and body and to treat them as if they have is not right. That said, I think the older the child, the more that they can be considered developed and a teenager of sixteen shouldn't necessarily be treated the same way as a child of ten.�

In the United States I know that children after the age of sixteen (16) can be tried as adults for serious crimes. Or Capital offences. It would interest me greatly to see where children ten (10) and younger have been charged with, and tried as adults.

�I'm also very curious as to why nobody even thinks to ask why children commit serious crimes. The media and the justice system seem to want to go right into punishment not wondering why a child would kill someone else or commit other serious crimes (such as rape). Children are not necessarily born good or bad, they have to get the emotions that lead up to such crimes from somewhere don't they?�

Many times psychologists, clergy, parents, and law enforcement officials do try to inquire, and ask a child why he or she has committed a crime. More often than not they really don�t know. You are right, a child isn�t born one way or the other. It�s proven time and time again, that if you nurture a child, love a child, empower a child, encourage a child, and educate a child, you will raise a child that learns to become a critical thinker, accountable for his or her actions, as well as responsible for those actions. It�s also been proven time and time again, those children who are not raised in loving, and nurturing environments tend to have major issues that crop up in their lives. This isn�t to say, that every child who is not brought up in a positive environment is going to become a serial killer. What I am saying is that if a child is raised with abuse, neglect, anger, and cruelty, that�s all they are going to know when they go out into the world, and attempt to live amongst society. They most often than not, have a tough time meshing with the world.

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